Sunday, February 26, 2012

How to get a million followers on G-plus (upd)

Something very unexpected happened the other day. Google+ told me that I had 1200+ 'followers. I'd decided that I'd celebrate if I ever reached 1000. Well... Too Late!

Edit: by March 7 the counter says 1502....
Edit: by March 14 the counter says 1665....
Edit: by March 17 the counter says 1706
Edit by March 26 the counter says 1802

Edit: by October 10 (2013) the counter says 2313...

This unexpected development raises a number of questions. How did that happen? Are G+ followers a 'bankable' asset. Will it get me laid - And what about my own user experience?

The answer to the most important question is of course 'no'. According to the very impressive Circle Count website 68% of Google plussies are of the male persuasion. 28% are female while the rest are sort of in between...
I've followed a few simple steps from the beginning. I've added the Google+ contributor suggestions regularly to my following circle. I share some thoughts and ideas I think I would find interesting. Old youTube clips and so on. I 'harvest' the stream for stuf I personally find interesting and re-share that. Conscientiously given credit where credit is due and all that. And eventually this tactic would have brought me 1000 followers. But then something unexpected happened. Two brothers named Keith and Scott Cramer had a bet (say hallo to Scott / link to Google+). They'd selected a number of G+ contributors and the winner would be the one whose team had gained most followers combined. Though I seem to have been on the loosing 'team' the resultant extra buzz is quite evident on the Circlecount graph below.
I wonder whether I can maintain that level of growth?

To be honest I find the G+ user experience 'out of the box' a little bland. You get a lot (and do mean a lot) of Google employees who - not entirely un-cult-like - plug various amazing Googlisms. Not to mention animatied gifs and litterally billions of cute kittens. Though I like a ...cute kitty cat as much as the next guy It. Gets. Old. Then theres the videos of people getting terribly hurt, pornography and spam. What I probably disklike the most are the SEO's and the Tech-evangelists. Yes we get it: You're so cool. Like a piece of stale bread hidden in the back of your senile great grand mother's frigde. Plus za chance... as they say.

Furtunately you can easily ban anyone you don't like from your stream and you shouldn't hesitate to use that option. Problem is that you'll get the feeling that things are getting slow and the place is emptying. It's important to keep adding more people than you disconnect and then use G+'s semiexcellent sorting system to differentiate them. I'm still working on that.

Is it a bankable asset? - At this scale probably not. It might be something to put on a CV for certain job applications, so there's that. Many of my 'followers' must share some interests and world views and though I'd bever do spam, I get the feeling that it's considered Ok to promote pet projectss and interests within reasonable limits of course. I guess that it might just make som things that used to seem impossible much less so.

As Terry Pratchett would say: we live in interesting times.
In deed!

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